Free PHP Scripts > Knowledgebase > Knowledgebase

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General FAQ
What is the password for the support forum?
I want to offer your scripts for download from my website
I downloaded a script, now what?
How to remove UTF-8 BOM (byte order mark) from a file?
I need a (paid) PHP script/customization
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GBook - guestbook script
How do I install GBook?
The anti-SPAM image (captcha) doesn't show
My guestbook is full of SPAM, help!
You cannot signup this guestbook at the moment!
Where is the admin panel?
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CCount - Click/Download Counter
No clicks are being counted
How do I install CCount?
How can I count unique clicks?
All links are gone (missing, deleted)!
LinkMan - Link Exchange Script
Does LinkMan support categories?
How do I show website image thumbnails?
How do I install LinkMan?
How do I customize LinkMan?
Error: Can't open remote URL!
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Other scripts
How do I install MBoard - message board?
How do I install the Hit Counter?
How do I install the random image/text script?
License questions
Will I have to reinstall the script if I purchase a license?
Will I loose data if I install a license?
What are the benefits of purchasing a license?

» Articles in this category:

I want to advertise on Article rated 3.2/5.0
Thank you for your interest in advertising at For available advertising opportunities and current rates please visit the advertising information page.
How can I send a donation? Article rated 3.2/5.0
All donations are very welcome: please visit the PHPJunkyard donations page for details.
How do I contact HESK author? Article rated 3.0/5.0
To contact Klemen, the PHP Junkyard author, use this contact form.
Where can I download this Knowledgebase script? Article rated 3.0/5.0
This knowledgebase is based on HESK - a free help desk script with an integrated knowledgebase, that is being developed by the PHP Junkyard author. HESK used to be part of the PHP Junkyard, but is ...

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