Submitted by Name: test From: test E-mail: Contact
Comments: test
Added: October 25, 2009
Submitted by Name: TEST From: Chicago
Comments: Just testing this out
Added: October 24, 2009
Submitted by Name: Paul From: Alhambra E-mail: Contact
Comments: Trying to figure out wht my websites security image is not coming up?
Added: October 24, 2009
Submitted by Name: wcool
Comments: Nice site and nice guestbook
Added: October 24, 2009
Submitted by Name: Me From: USA
Comments: Great!!! Glad to see this. I like how you can delete a message if need be.
Added: October 23, 2009
Submitted by Name: dudung From: Indonesia E-mail: Contact
Comments: woooww nice i like it...!!
Added: October 22, 2009
Submitted by Name: samsung From: india E-mail: Contact
Comments: hey every one
Added: October 22, 2009
Submitted by Name: Robert From: Charlotte NC E-mail: Contact
Comments: I remember back when computers were run on steam and you had to stoke the fire occasionally and add water when the boiler ran low. Ocassionally the boiler would explode and hot bits and bytes would be scattered throughout the office. We got used to that though as it was just a part of doing business. These new machines hang up sometimes, that wasn't the case with the good old steam powered models and besides, you could heat your lunch on the boiler. Ah, the good old days.
Name: gdfgdfg